Lynda Com Code Clinic: Java Tutorials

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updated 1 November 2015

Code Clinic is a series of six courses where authors solve the same problems using different programming languages. Here, Patrick Royal works with Java. Patrick introduces challenges and provide an overview of his solutions in Java. Each Code Clinic author solves the exact same set of problems. So you can compare different solutions as well as the pros and cons of each language. If you're wanting to learn to program, if you're looking for tips on better coding, or if you're trying to decide on your next new programming language, you're going to love Code Clinic. Learn how to write better, more organized code by leveraging core concepts of functional programming: immutability, data-function separation, and first-class functions.

» C++ Essential Trainingis designed to give you a thorough understanding of C++ so you can build powerfuland compelling applications for yourself and for your clients.

Fully updated for 2015, C++ Essential Training is available now on thelynda.comOnline Training Library!

My intention in this course is to give you everything you need to be able to write C++ code effectively.

Topics include: Polarr photo editor 5 2 for mac free download.

  • Basic Syntax
  • Operators
  • Data Types
  • Functions
  • Objects and Classes
  • Templates
  • The Standard C Library
  • The C++ Standard Template Library

Lynda Com Code Clinic: Java Tutorials Java


This is an exercise from the upcoming new version of my C++ Essential Trainingcourse for's a C++ class that converts words to numbers, like this:

I suggest you try to create your own solution before looking at mine. My C++ version is here.

Code Clinicis a new course series at exploring the same technical challenges through six different programminglanguages (C++, C#, Java, PHP, Python and Ruby). This represents a unique opportunity to examine,not just language-specific best practices, but the structured thinking and analysis skills needed to become a great programmer.I'm presenting the C++ version.


This course is designed to give you what you need to write C and C++ code effectively, but a video course can never provide a complete reference. Here are some good resources for your everyday programming needs (links go to Amazon):

  • The C Programming Language, 2nd Ed by Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie
  • Concise and authoritative, this is the definitive book on C. Covers the original standard, 'ANSI C' so it may seem a little out-of-date, but the language really hasn't changed that much and there is no better book on the subject.

  • C++ Primer Plus, 6th Ed by Stephen Prata
  • Yes, it's one of those ridiculous 1,200 page tech books, but it's the closest thing there is to a good C++ book.

  • The C Standard Library by P.J. Plauger
  • Considered a companion to The C Programming Language, a thorough reference to the ANSI standard library that supports C. The author has been involved in the standardization process for both C and C++.

  • C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference, 2nd Ed by Nicolai M. Josuttis
  • (2nd Ed covers C++11 — new May 2012)
    Documents the the STL. An excellent reference with good coverage of the STL algorithms.

  • The C++ Standard Template Library by P.J. Plauger, Alexander Stepanov, Meng Lee, David R. Musser
  • Excellent STL reference. Chapter-by chapter coverage of each component, with history and exercises. Thorough coverage of the entire STL, including algorithms. Consensus is mixed whether this is better than Josuttis. My view is this is a better reference, but Josuttis is more accessible for a novice.

  • C Pocket Reference (O'Reilly) by Peter Prinz & Ulla Kirch-Prinz
  • Perfect for quickly looking up syntax. I love the Pocket References. I have a bunch of them. I keep them on my desk at all times.

  • C++ Pocket Reference (O'Reilly) by Kyle Loudon
  • A bit out of date, but extremely useful and affordable. I love the Pocket References. I have a bunch of them. I keep them on my desk at all times.

  • STL Pocket Reference (O'Reilly) by Ray Lischner
  • A bit thin, but extremely useful and affordable. I love the Pocket References. I have a bunch of them. I keep them on my desk at all times.

Further Study

I'm a big fan of Scott Meyers' books. Following his advice will make you a better programmer.

  • Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (3rd Edition) (Addison-Wesley) by Scott Meyers
  • The definitive book on C++ best practices. This is a must-have for any serious C++ programmer's library.

  • More Effective C++: 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (Addison-Wesley) by Scott Meyers
  • More advanced best-practices. This is also extremely valuable, and deals more specifically with exceptions, namespaces, templates, and some newer langauge features.

  • Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard Template Library (Addison-Wesley) by Scott Meyers
  • This book is essential if you want to get the full value from the STL.

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Lynda Com Code Clinic: Java Tutorials Tutorial

Lynda com code clinic: java tutorials tutorial

Lynda Com Code Clinic: Java Tutorials Tutorial

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